This weeks recommendation is a movie that combines our love for the urban jungle and history. Its a epic story of the first German hipsters, who decided to take their fixies around the Maginot line.
Furthermore, I can recommend a drink that fits the mood of the film.
Try out the Vodka/guilt - thats 4/5 vodka and 1/5 guilt (Mix it half - half if you're German)
The evening standard has compiled a list of the summers must-haves for the safari fashionista. Link to article
The list includes a 'Simon Carter' watch, which will tell you when its time for Africa (in case Shakira isn't around). Other favourite items on the list are the skincare products on page 10 and 11. These products are fully endorsed by Cecil Rhodes, and are (quote) "the main reason why I could stand to be a colonist for so long"
Cecil trying to keep his skin moist against all odds